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Keep Lights Out when Sleeping at Night

Updated: Jan 28, 2019

There are various reasons why we have night lights in baby sleeping area - for giving comfort to the little ones; so that moms and dads don't trip over anything in the dark while checking our babies in the middle of the night; or purely just for the cute ambience of the nursery is good enough reason to have the night light on.

Keeping a light on in your baby's room may result in a less restful sleep for your little one. Credit: Getty image

An infant's circadian rhythm, or body clock, needs to set properly to let a baby start sleeping less during the day and more at night. Environmental cues, such as sunlight, affect sleep patterns. Family Sleep Institute-certified child sleep consultant Diana Julian say it is critical to help a baby distinguish night from day and sleep from wake, and the best way to do this is by controlling light and darkness.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, the ideal sleep environment is cool, quiet and dark. Keeping a light on in your baby's room may result in a less restful sleep for your little one. When an environment is lighted, melatonin production is inhibited. Melatonin helps us go to sleep, stay asleep and wake up well rested,"

One thing is for sure - having a dim light in the nursery allows your baby to get some visual stimulation when he is awake in the crib. That means your toddler may be able to entertain himself for a while by watching the night light or taking in the view of the room.


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